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Displays the menu of flight attendant qualification screens.

Type that command and you will see the following screen:

qlmenu screen

This is fairly self-explainatory. Choose one of the 9 options:

Related Commands

FADOCS Displays a list of flight attendant documentation.
FAINFO Displays various flight attendant information.
FAQUAL Displays various flight attendant qualifications.
INIDIT Displays the Initial Ditching Qualification Training information also known as Overwater Qualifications.
INIEQP Contains the IT (Initial Training) date, IOE (Initial Operating Experience) and all individual training programs (everything previously on the old FDTR screen).
INISVC Screen contains the Initial Service Qualification Training information
QLMENU Displays the menu of flight attendant qualification screens.
RETOLD Displays the previous update of Recurrent Emergency Training information.
RETREC Displays a flight attendant's Recurrent Emergency Training information and also the RET month.
TRNPRG Displays information on all individual training programs.

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Page Updated: July 17, 2005
Printed from www.jumpseatnews.com. Have a nice day!
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