Used to enter a request for WOP, GWOP, OFR, or Trip Trade.
ACTN | Enter WOP to request WOP, GWOP, DAT or 30-day WOP. Enter TRD to request a trade. Enter OFR to request a trip to pick up. |
FILE # | Enter your file number. |
RSV | Enter an X if you are on reserve. |
You can also quickly type: DSPFAI/ACTN/FILE#
Quick shortcut example: DSPFAI/TRD/162611
The above example shows the screen you get if you enter TRD in the ACTN field and do not 'X' the RSV box. This is your standard screen for lineholders wishing to trade trips, either with open flying or each other. It's pretty self-explanatory. Trips traded between flight attendants should be processed immediately if everything's legal. Open Flying trades are a bit more complicated and we'll discuss them now:
Remember that if you are submitting a trade for Open Flying, that you enter the ID in the OPEN ID box.
When submitting an Open Flying trade request, you can enter an asterisk (*) to indicate any open position.
Also, make sure that you check a 'Y' in the RETAIN IF REJECTED BOX. This is because, according to Onboard Service, "If the Regional Service Center elects to increase the daily trade with open flying allocation, you may choose to have previously rejected trades with open flying reconsidered."
If you submit a trade request that requires you to 'Opt' up your flying hours (as defined in sections 7.A.8 and 12.G.8 of your contract), that trade will now be automatically awarded. Your line will be automatically updated to reflect the opted quarterly maximums.
When you are done, tab down to below the last line and press ENTER.
NOTE: Trades with next month's Open Flying are processed as follows:
ALSO NOTE: Trading with Open Flying has some restrictions, here are some:
The above example shows the screen you get if you enter TRD in the ACTN field and entered an 'X' the RSV box. This is your standard screen for reserves wishing to trade reserve days with each other. It's pretty self-explanatory, but keep in mind the following points:
For reserve self-trades, please note the following:
For more information, see your Contract 10.D.4
The above example shows the screen you get if you enter WOP in the ACTN field and did not 'X' the RSV box. This is your standard screen for lineholders wishing to request WOP, DAT or 30-day WOP.
PTO (WOP) will be awarded fifteen and five days in advance instead of one. PTO will not be awarded in the 5 day in advance process if you are on a flight assignment at the time of the award and unable to utilize the PTO.
It's pretty self-explanatory, but keep in mind the following point: You will have a much greater chance of being awarded the WOP or DAT if you place an 'X' in the I WILL ACCEPT ANY PORTION OF WOP, PTO OR DAT REQUESTS BELOW: __ box.
The above example shows the screen you get if you enter WOP in the ACTN field and entered an 'X' the RSV box. This is your standard screen for reserves wishing to request WOP, DAT or 30-day WOP. For more information, see your Contract 10.D.4
The above example shows the screen you get if you enter OFR in the ACTN field. This is your standard screen for lineholders and reserves wishing to pick up a trip.
You simply:
DSPADT | Displays a flight attendant's specific trade transactions on file. |
DSPFWP | Displays your GWOP (PTO) days used. |
DSPOPN | Displays a domicile's Open Flying trade allotment. |
DSPREQ | Displays a flight attendant's current trade requests on file. |
POSTRD | Displays the Trade Board Postings menu. Allows you to add, change, or delete your Trade Board postings. |
SAMDAY | Displays a domicile's Same Day Open Flying trade allotments. |
SEQTRD | Allows you to change the sequence of your open trade requests. |
TRADES | Displays the main menu for various trade requests. |
TRDLST | Displays a list of flight attendants requesting trip trades. |
TRDBRD | Used to view the Flight Attendant Trade Board postings. |
WOPLST | Displays a list of flight attendants requesting all forms of WOP. |