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Displays the Vacation Bid screen.

You type: VACBID

Example of the VACBID screen


There are entire manuals devoted to vacation bidding. I highly recommend asking your AFA representative, your supervisor, or best of all a really senior flight attendant for tips & tricks on vacation bidding.

One of the best resources I've seen yet on vacation bidding is Jeff Heisey's article. This is a must-read for anyone wanting to maximize their vacation.

Other helpful tips

  • If you are having another F/A or bidding service place your vacation bids for you, you must establish as keyword for their use, using the DSPKEY command.
  • You should use a crew scheduling calendar; you can get one at DIS*14164.
  • Remember the contractual vacation days. Here's a list >

Related Commands

VACPRM Used to display your Vacation Premium pay eligibility.

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Page Updated: August 03, 2005
Printed from www.jumpseatnews.com. Have a nice day!
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