Display a list of flight attendants on a flight with their qualified languages.
FLT | Enter the flight number. |
DATE | Enter the date in DDMMMYY format. |
A/D | Enter 'A' for arriving. Enter 'D' for departing. But you can probably just leave it blank. |
STA | Enter the 3-character station code. |
Enter a 'P' to print the resulting list. |
You can also quickly type: FLTLNG FLT/DATE/D/STA
Quick shortcut example: FLTLNG 940/05AUG/D/LAX
This is the list of flight attendants on the flight who are qualified in German to receive Language Incentive Pay for the flight.
DIS*38555 | Displays the Onboard Service F/A Staffing Guidelines Index. |
DSLLOF | Displays flight attendants on a specific ID number and date. |
FLTLOF | Displays the flight attendants on a specific flight segment. |
IBSBDS | Displays an Inflight Briefing Sheet (IBS) on your computer screen. |
IBSBPR | Prints an Inflight Briefing Sheet (IBS) on a Unimatic terminal. |
WRKPOS | Displays specific work positions throughout the ID. |