Displays the flight attendants on a specific flight segment.
FLT | Enter the flight number. |
DATE | DD is Day Number the ID Originates MMM is Month Number YY is Year. (optional) |
A/D | Arrival or Departure (A or D) |
STA | Enter the 3-character station code. |
Enter 'P' to print results. (optional) |
You can also quickly type: FLTLOF FLT/DATE/D/STA
Shortcut Example: FLTLOF 979/27JUL/D/LAX
Shortcut Example 2: FLTLOF 979/27JUL/D/LAX
(This example would print your results.)
I won't bother explaining this FLTLOF, because if you've never seen one by now...you're in serious trouble!
DIS*38555 | Displays the Onboard Service F/A Staffing Guidelines Index. |
DSLLOF | Displays flight attendants on a specific ID number and date. |
FLTLNG | Display a list of flight attendants on a flight with their qualified languages. |
IBSBDS | Displays an Inflight Briefing Sheet (IBS) on your computer screen. |
IBSBPR | Prints an Inflight Briefing Sheet (IBS) on a Unimatic terminal. |
WRKPOS | Displays specific work positions throughout the ID. |