Displays the flight attendants on a specific ID and date in the future.
DSL | Enter the ID number from the keypages, LOF, or whatever. |
DATE | Enter date in DDMM format. Ex: 01JUL |
Enter a 'P' to print. But, of course, you need to be near a Unimatic terminal printer! |
Shortcut Example: DSLLOF 2154/05AUG
This is the crew assigned to this ID probably throughout the month of August. Probably will change between now a briefing, but you can use this to fire off e-notes and see about trip trades.
DIS*38555 | Displays Onboard Service F/A Staffing Guidelines Index. |
FLTLOF | Displays the flight attendants on a specific flight segment. |
WRKPOS | Displays specific work positions throughout the ID. |