Displays a flight's departure/arrival gates and times, plane number, and station.
STN | Enter the departure station. |
DATE | Enter the date in DDMM format. (Example: 01JUL) |
FLT | Enter the flight number. |
A/D | Enter either 'A' for arrival or 'D' for departure. |
Shortcut Example: DISGAT LAX/21JUL/39
There you have it: departure and arrival times, flight numbers, aircraft types, nose numbers, etc... Pretty basic stuff.
CURRTG | Displays the current routing of a specific UAL aircraft. |
DIS*9898 | Displays passenger loads (24 hours +/-). |
DOAI | Displays the total number of jumpseats on a flight segment. |
FLF | Displays the station closest to the plane's reported position. |
FLUX | Displays a listing of flight schedules for United Express. |
SK | Displays a listing of flight schedules between two cities. |
FLUX | Displays a listing of flight schedules for United Express. |