Displays passenger loads (24 hours +/-).
Type: DIS*9898
______ | Enter the flight number. |
DDMMM | Enter the day and month. Example: 03JUL |
STA | Enter the 3-digit departure station code. |
You can quickly type: DPSI FLT-DATE STN
NOTE: There must be a space after the date and before the station code.
No suprises here. You can also see the aircraft nose number on the first line (just to the right of ORD above)
CURRTG | Use this to find out if it's a through flight. |
DOAI | Displays the total number of jumpseats on a flight segment. |
DPSI | Displays passenger loads (24 hours +/-). |
FLF | Displays the station closest to the plane's reported position. |
FLUX | Displays a listing of flight schedules for United Express. |
SK | Displays a listing of flight schedules between two cities. |