Prints an Inflight Briefing Sheet (IBS) at a Unimatic terminal.
You type: IBSBPR
FLIGHT | Enter the ID number. |
DTE | Date (use the DD format) |
STA | Enter the 3-character station code. |
ID# | Specific ID number (optional) |
DT | ID Date (optional) |
POS | Work Position (optional) |
TYPE | Enter D for all remaining flights in a duty period. Enter F for just the single flight. If you leave this blank, it will print all remaining flights in a duty period. |
INFO | Enter H to print just the header/safety messages. Enter F to print the flight specific information. Enter T to print the trailer info. Enter P to print the announcements (marketing stuff). Enter A to print everything. |
You might get a screen like above that asks you to choose the duty period you want for the IBS. Tab the line containing the ID you're on and press ENTER.
DSLLOF | Displays flight attendants on a specific ID number and date. |
IBSBDS | Displays an Inflight Briefing Sheet (IBS) on your computer screen. |
IBSTAS | Displays the IBS Auto-Start briefing locations. |
WRKPOS | Displays specific work positions throughout the ID. |
DIS*38555 | Displays the Onboard Service F/A Staffing Guidelines Index. |