Allows you to update your emergency contact information.
FILE # | Enter your file number. |
LAST NAME | Enter your last name. (Optional) |
FI | Enter first initial of your first name. (Optional) |
DOM | Enter your domicile. (Optional) |
You can also quickly type: FDEM/FILE #
Shortcut Example: FDEM/162611
This screen is pretty self-explanatory so I won't go into it much here. If you are updating information, just type over the existing info. When you are done, move the cursor down to the below the last line and press ENTER. You will see the message, INPUT ACCEPTED.
If you want to hide your line from other flight attendants, enter an 'X' on top of the little dot just after SCHEDULE: and press ENTER.
FADOCS | Displays a list of flight attendant documentation. |
FAINFO | Displays various flight attendant information. |
FAQUAL | Displays various flight attendant qualifications. |
FDMS | Displays your Medical Sick Leave information. |
FDUG | Displays your 'UG100' personnel information. |
FDWH | Displays your work history at United Airlines. |
INIDIT | Displays the Initial Ditching Qualification Training information also known as Overwater Qualifications. |
INIEQP | Contains the IT (Initial Training) date, IOE (Initial Operating Experience) and all individual training programs (everything previously on the old FDTR screen). |
INISVC | Screen contains the Initial Service Qualification Training information |
QLMENU | Displays the menu of flight attendant qualification screens. |
RETOLD | Displays the previous update of Recurrent Emergency Training information. |
RETREC | Displays a flight attendant's Recurrent Emergency Training information and also the RET month. |
TRNPRG | Displays information on all individual training programs. |