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Jumpseatnews Sucks and You Need To Fix It

Source: Commentary

Date: Apr 02, 2015 at 1:49 PM Pacific Time

I just received the following love note sent directly to me from Google:


Google is correct: this site looks terrible on mobile.  Guilty as charged.  It's because I keep my Smartphone with me now about 50% of the time and use it even less to surf around the internet.  I'm just not tethered to smartphones anymore and because of this, they aren't on my radar as much.  Heck, I even have a video on my home page about the problems of compulsive use of smartphones. I was in a restaurant the other day and almost everyone dining there had their main meal dish with a side of smartphone---few people were talking. But I digress.


I need to get this fixed because the rest of Planet Earth needs better looking pages on their smartphones.  And last I checked (yesterday, but who's counting), there are 365,412 page views each day on JSN.

And so, I'm announcing the official redesign of Jumpseatnews.  Go us.  

Now I just need to carve out some time to take care of this.  I've done redesigns before and they always upset people because no one likes stuff changed or moved around.  So... if you have any suggestions on what (if anything) you'd like to see changed, don't hesitate to let me know.



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