Jumpseatnews.com - United Airlines flight attendant resources

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Displays a listing of flight schedules between two cities.


ORG Enter the departure station.
DTN Enter the arrival station.
DTE MO Enter the date in DDMMM format.

Shortcut Example: SKLAXJFK/20JUL

You will see a response similar to the following:

sk screen

There you have it: departure times, arrival times, flight number, aircraft types, etc... Pretty basic stuff.

Related Commands

CURRTG Displays the current routing of a specific UAL aircraft.
DIS*9898 Displays passenger loads (24 hours +/-).
DOAI Displays the total number of jumpseats on a flight segment.
FLF Displays the station closest to the plane's reported position.
FLUX Displays a listing of flight schedules for United Express.

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Page Updated: July 21, 2005
Printed from www.jumpseatnews.com. Have a nice day!
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