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COBUS – Flight Attendants Assigned to Company Business Assignments, not Flights.

Source: AFA

Date: Apr 19, 2019

Source: Elines 

Questions and confusion continue regarding management directing COBUS Flight Attendants to perform boarding duties that we believe are the contractual responsibility of working crew members assigned to pairings or on a Standby assignment.

It is important to remember that we negotiated Company business assignments.  That is, to allow Flight Attendants to be assigned by the Inflight Service Division on a voluntary basis to Company Business assignments that are non-managerial in nature and that are related to the Flight Attendant position.  What we must also remember is that our disagreement, codified in the form of an MEC grievance, is not with those who are us nor should we direct our frustrations at the COBUS Flight Attendants.  Management is responsible.

What we can do is talk with those who are part of our workgroup.  Reassure that that we are prepared to fulfill all of our responsibilities.    Politely reassure them that we are not only aware of our responsibilities, we are prepared to fulfill them – all of them.  Our responsibility is to maintain control of the cabin during boarding.  If their presence on board the aircraft is disruptive or prevents you from fulfilling your duties, respectively ask them to leave the aircraft.

Please review this recent article that details further how we can calmly handle these situations and properly report them.

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