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Clarification of the Attendance Bonus Point Incentive Program

Source: AFA

Date: Jul 05, 2018

Source: Elines

On June 30, 2018 AFA and the company released details of a Attendance Bonus Point Incentive Program that was implemented for the July holiday period, July 1, 2018 through July 7, 2018 and during the designated transition-to-common-metal period, September 27, 2018 through October 8, 2018. Subsequent to the publication release Flight Attendants have expressed some confusion with the details of the ½ point value. Therefore, for clarification purposes, Flight Attendants who meet the criteria in both of the designated holiday periods, will earn a ½ point for each designated period and will be credited with the total of ONE attendance Bonus Point, that can be used to offset the first point generating occurrence after October 31, 2018.

Said a slightly different way, Flight Attendants must meet the criteria in each of the designated period and will receive ½ of the total one point credit in each designated period. The one point credit will be available after October 31, 2018 to offset the first point generating occurrence after October 31, 2018.

Detailed information, including the criteria required to qualify for the incentive program can be found in the E-Lines publication, dated June 30, 2018.

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