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Reserve Move-up Lines and Sacred Days

Source: AFA

Date: Oct 04, 2018

Source: Elines

The Company may begin building Reserve Move-Up Lines on the first day of the new bid month from pairings in open time and to the extent they can maintain adequate Reserve coverage. Move-Up Lines will be constructed taking into account the type of line you indicated during the primary bid period, as well as any protected days. The Company will build Reserve Move-Up Lines from the 1st through 5th day of the bid month (not the calendar month), to the extent adequate Reserve coverage can be maintained. Move-up lines will be constructed with either all domestic or all international pairings. 

Move-Up Line Awards 

  • Move-Up Lines are awarded to Reserves in seniority order of those on the Move-Up List. 
  • Move-Up Lines can be built up to the Flight Attendant’s monthly maximum flight hours. 
  • If more than one Move-Up Line is available, the Reserve may be offered a choice of lines. 
  • If a Reserve is on an assignment (pairing or Airport Standby) at the time they are awarded a Move-Up Line, they will be released to their Move-Up Line once the assignment has been completed. If a Reserve is not on an assignment at the time they are awarded a Move-Up Line, they will be released to their Move-Up Line with the approval of Crew Scheduling. 
  • When Reserve Move-up lines are built, vacation and any protected days designated by the Flight Attendant will be placed in the line.  Trips will be filled in to complete the line.  It is important to understand that any days off preceding or following the vacation days that were in the original Reserve line are not considerate as sacred days for the purpose of building the Reserve Move-up line.
  • However, once the Reserve Move-up line is completed, any days off in the completed Reserve Move-up line that are preceding or following the vacation are then considered as sacred days. 

As of late today, Reserve move-up lists have been updated to provide Flight Attendants with a view of the list with “X’s” down the left side of the page. The “X” by someone’s name is intended to signify that a Reserve move-up line has been constructed. However, it may be possible that someone has been bypassed and a Reserve move-up line may not have been built. The FAST is prepared to explain this if Flight Attendants call.

Additional move-up line information may be found in e-lines publication dated September 25, 2018 and in the Reserve Guide available on unitedafa.org.

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