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Stupidest Idea of the Year 2009

Source: Commentary

Date: Mar 09, 2009

clownsGoes to...........

(drum roll please)

.......Michael O'Leary, the CEO for Ryanair, the Dublin-based airline, for considering the idea of charging passengers to use the lavatories.

Is this CEO clown out of his %*&@ing mind?

There are so many things wrong with this idea I don't even know where to begin.

First off, when you have a passenger in a cylindrical aluminum tube traveling at 35,000 feet in the air, you should not be charging them to go to the bathroom. They cannot exactly "leave" the aircraft and use a free bathroom somewhere else.

Second, even if they decide to pay for the privilege of exercising their biological necessity, what happens if the stupid coin slot breaks down?  Or they don't have the "exact change"? Who the hell carries coins around anymore? Most people use debit cards, credit cards, etc. and nobody wants to carry around a bunch of coins so that they have the correct amount to take a pee. It's annoying enough when you live in an apartment and just want to get the laundry done...

Third, and this is purely from a profit standpoint of ultimate stupidity: the more people drink, particularly beer, the more they will need to use the bathroom and the more expensive it will be for them to do so. Since you are charging exorbitant amounts of markup for alcoholic beverages onboard, wouldn't this make people want to drink less?

Fourth, what about people who are prone to kidney stones or some other medical ailment? You know, the sort of people that are ordered by their doctors to drink as much water as possible throughout the day (and subsequently use the lavatory more often) for various health reasons?  Oh well, screw them I guess.

Fifth, what about our privacy? He's also considering credit card readers installed next to the toilets. Great, now all I need is for American Express or Visa Corporation to have a permanent electronic record of my bathroom habits onboard various aircraft. As we have already kissed most of our privacy goodbye with Google; this would be the nail in the coffin.

This pay-to-pee idea will never see the light of day of course, but even considering it when you are the "chief executive" of an airline makes you look like an absolute fool or an utter a--hole.  Take your pick.

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