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10 Changes That Baby Has Brought

Source: Commentary

Date: Sep 22, 2008

KeiraIt's September already.

It feels like just hours ago that I saw her for the first time.

Yet, it's been 7 months since we met.

I always knew that having a baby would change things.

But I had no idea.

I mean, no idea.

Not a clue about all of those deep, life-changing emotions and experiences would be bestowed upon me.

It's time to reflect on ten changes since bringing baby home:

Change #1 - Perception of Time

Above all else, having a baby changes your perception of time. It changes it in dozens of ways. You suddenly recognize your own mortality. An unfinished circle is now complete. Years suddenly become precious and measurable. You realize that you now want a lot more of them. But you also realize that you have a finite limit and suddenly you are no longer willing to waste one single second on anything. You draw parallels between yourself today, and the time back when you were a child. And you also think about when your baby might have a child in the years to come.

Change #2 - Money Becomes Pretty %*@&ing Important

Suddenly the dollar becomes pretty darn important. Don't believe me on this one? Go down to Baby's R Us and see how much all of that stuff costs! Add to that a grocery/gas bill that has tripled in the past few months, and you get the idea. This also affects Change #1 because you are not willing to waste your time anymore (like providing free feedback for instance). I'm even finding it hard to spend hours on this web site these days. Seriously.Keira

Change #3 - You Sing a Lot More

Row Row Row Your Boat. Incy Wincy Spider. Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me and just about every weird oddball children's song you've not thought about in 35 years suddenly becomes more familiar than whoever is running for President.

Change #4 - You Become a More Responsible Person

You really do. Honest.

Change #5 - You Think About Your Parents

And you suddenly find yourself understanding them a lot more, as well as even forgiving them.

Change #6 - You Enjoy Saying "Table for Three"

We went to Chili's the other day. I enjoyed seeing the hostess grab three menus even though baby won't be able to sit up at the table for months. That kind of stuff makes you happy.Keira

Change #7 - You See the World in a Whole Different Way

You see things fresh again. That's about the best way I can describe it. It's like watching a wonderful movie (one that you've loved for years) with someone who is seeing it for the first time.

Change #8 - You Lose IQ Points

I figure I've lost about 30 or so since baby arrived. Maybe they actually didn't go anywhere, but rather my attention/focus on baby makes it seem that way when I'm trying to do other tasks in my life. I definitely forget things a lot more (like what date the Voluntary Furloughs close, oops, didn't they close today?). So the next time you see some parents on the plane acting absolutely clueless and/or flat out idiotic, remember Change #8.

Change #9 - You Enjoy Seeing Other Babies

I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd utter those words! But yes, you really do like seeing other people's kids --- for brief time periods.

Change #10 - You Get It

You suddenly get it.

To all parents out there: Yeah, I understand.


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