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Another Day; Another Rumor

Source: Commentary

Date: Feb 05, 2007

ThoughtI sure do love our Feedback Form!

I didn't always. We get all kinds of questions, comments, a bunch of helpful tidbits, and just about anything else you can imagine. I used to switch the feedback form off altogether but now I leave it on as much as possible and watch the comments fly in daily.

From time to time, we notice trends and colorful rumors brewing about this web site. First, it was that Bailey secretly worked for WHQ. That was pretty good. Then, it was that I worked for WHQ. That was even better.

Then, we began publishing the Unimatic tech articles and advice. From that point onward, the rumors had us being able to magically increase trade allotments, unlock secret LOFBID doors, allow access to SkyNet using our 'double-secret backdoor access', and of course, troubleshoot and repair all things Mac. (we don't even own a Mac!)

So Jumpseatnews.com became the new Unimatic NORAD---hidden deep into the mountains and dishing up SON/FILENUMBER access to Unimatic whenever we feel like it.

"And now the latest rumor: United will eliminate AOL and all F/As will soon need to have a paid membership to Jumpseatnews in order to access Unimatic."

And now the latest rumor: United will eliminate AOL and all F/As will soon need to have a paid membership to Jumpseatnews in order to access Unimatic.

After I stopped laughing, I realized that enough people actually believe this that I should probably address it here. Therefore people please, remember two facts of Jumpseatnews:

  1. We have never found it necessary to (and do not) charge a fee for a membership to use this web site. (why people still have a lot of trouble digesting this fact I'll never know)
  2. United is not going to dump AOL into our hands and charge F/As to use Unimatic via our site.

If you are unable to access Unimatic, then please see this page. We just provide the link to Unimatic. And we just work here. We just take our medication, pay our taxes, and quietly grow old while watching Day 6 of "24". We're boring and unimaginative people---honest.

OK, so can we get that 'paid-access' rumor cleared up? Thanks a bunch!

About Bailey Security

Now, in return, I'll share with you (for the first time ever) why Bailey is head of Bailey Security.

True Story: When Jumpseatnews was started in 2000, I received a notice from a certain individual (we'll keep them anonymous for their privacy and sanity) in a certain management position at United. They wanted to know if I had received approval to publish this web site. Really. And boy oh boy, did I need to have a little fun with this one.

There were a lot of responses I could have uttered back at receiving a notice like that. I could have quoted the 1st Amendment to them and/or asked if they knew what a web site was (Quick! Is it animal, vegetable or mineral?) It's internet, not internets.

"They contacted Bailey with additional questions. And before long, Bailey had a nice dialogue going with them."

But I did none of that. Besides, I felt sorry for them; the World Wide Web was still somewhat unfamiliar to certain folks. Instead, Bailey wrote an email to them (using our bailey@jumpseatnews.com address). Bailey told them that we already had a security department, thanks. Bailey and I figured this was the end of the matter.

But, nope. They contacted Bailey with additional questions. And before long, Bailey had a nice dialogue going with them.

It went on that way for awhile.

Eventually, Bailey grew tired of the correspondence and felt it was time to show them what exactly he looked like. So, at the end of one of his emails, Bailey included the following signature:


Bailey Security, Inc.

Well, that was that. Bailey never heard back from them again! Yeah, okay okay, it was a little [INSERT COLORFUL EXPRESSION HERE], but it was pretty funny all the same!

Well there you go; a bit of JSN history.

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