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Northwest Joins AFA for New Representation

Source: AFA

Date: Jul 06, 2006

Northwest Flight Attendants Take Control - Chose AFA-CWA for New Representation

Source: AFA Press Release

Washington, DC - Northwest flight attendants made a monumental decision today and elected the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) as their new bargaining representative. AFA-CWA received 4,349 votes. The total vote exceeded the Railway Labor Act requirement that 50 percent plus one of eligible flight attendants vote in the election in order to change representation.

"Despite the many obstacles along the path, Northwest flight attendants today took control of their careers and joined forces with the strongest flight attendant union in the world," said Patricia Friend, AFA-CWA International President. "For the first time in a long while, our sisters and brothers at Northwest have hope. They are hopeful that with AFA-CWA's wealth of experience in negotiating with airlines in bankruptcy, their careers will be protected."

AFA-CWA plans to begin negotiations immediately with the company. On June 30, a federal bankruptcy judge gave Northwest permission to impose terms detailed in a tentative agreement that the flight attendants struck down earlier this year if an agreement could not be reached within two weeks.

AFA-CWA launched the organizing campaign in September 2005 after a coalition of Northwest flight attendants approached the union seeking new representation. From the beginning, the Northwest AFA-CWA campaign has been a model of grassroots organizing. While AFA-CWA supported their efforts at every opportunity, this was a campaign initiated, led, and conducted by Northwest flight attendants.

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