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Back-End Deviating with a Positive Space Ticket

Source: AFA

Date: Jun 17, 2006

From AFA E-Lines:

With the electronic ticketing and nothing in hand, it’s important that we understand how to protect our rights for using positive space travel when deviating at the end of a trip. 

First, obtain authorization for deviating.  Then, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have a record locator (most recent record after approved for deviating).  This will save time when interacting with customer service.
  2. If the segment has not yet been booked, crew scheduling should build an OPEN segment for the Flight Attendant.  It is then the Flight Attendant’s responsibility to rebook or book the specific flight.
  3. In order to maintain authorization, flights must be rebooked between the two original cities and flown within five days of the original booking. 
  4. Rebooking may be done through Apollo, Weblist or 1-800-UAL-LIST.

Deviating (non-confirmed for the flight) – BP5C

Flight Attendants that deviate and show up to the gate with a record locator and an OPEN segment will travel at BP5C status – not positive space.

Deviating (confirmed) – BP3

Flight Attendants that deviate and rebook themselves within company parameters included in step 3 above, will travel with BP3 status.

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