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BOB Procedure Change

Source: Archived Content

Date: Feb 08, 2004

Here's some info on the BOB procedure change:


To better secure the hand-held device and cash envelope at the end of each flight, these items will now be boarded and returned to the United First (UF) liquor cart. Pursers and/or flight attendants should verify that the hand-held device, change fund and liquor cart/meal cart seals are boarded in a plastic bag in the UF liquor cart. If the hand-held device is not boarded, note the discrepancy on the manual inventory form and complete all sales as cash only.

Upon completion of the Buy On Board service, one flight attendant:

  1. fills in the information on front of the cash bag and signs it;

  2. obtains a second verifying signature and seals the cash bag;

  3. returns hand-held device and cash bag with end of flight report to clear plastic bag;

  4. hands off the bag to the purser to lock in UF liquor cart; and

  5. ensures both ends of the liquor cart are sealed completely.

In the next several weeks, the caterers will begin supplying a new, stronger and more tamper-resistant cart seal and an improved cash envelope. IBS for Buy On Board flights has been updated to reflect the change in procedures.

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