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Less to Memorize for RET

Source: Archived Content

Date: Dec 15, 2003

Beginning Jan 1, 2004, the TK people are going to be making some changes to the immediate action steps required to be memorized for RET.  According to Onboard Updates, their goal is to have the commands "clarified, consolidated, reduced, simplified and streamlined."

Yes, I know, this sounds like a corporate back-end-relationships-through-a-top-down-proactive-approach-we-can-remain-customer-focused-and-goal-directed-innovate-and-be-an-inside-out-organization-which-facilitates-turnkey-solutions description of the changes.

Nevertheless, they indicate that:

  • fires have just one set of four actions.  You determine which actions to take based on the type of situation you are facing and the resources are available;
  • The number of immediate actions for decompression have been reduced to just two;
  • Steps for administering oxygen to just three;
  • They are also consolidating the Preparation for Evacuation and Ditching questions, simplifying Suspect Item On Board and changing "notify" the cockpit and purser to "call."

January's FAOM will contain the changes.  Less to memorize?  Sounds ok by me!  Here's the entire article from Onboard Updates (Dec 15, 2003):

How do clarified, consolidated, reduced, simplified and streamlined sound to you? Effective Jan. 1, 2004, these words will describe your Immediate Action items. Based on your feedback, the Emergency Procedures Training group has created a new look and a fresh approach called "memorizing made simple." For example, fires have just one set of four actions. You determine which actions to take based on the type of situation you are facing and the resources are available. The number of immediate actions for decompression have been reduced to just two, and administering oxygen to just three. Fewer items to memorize allow more items to reference. Other positive changes include consolidating the Preparation for Evacuation and Ditching questions, simplifying Suspect Item On Board and changing "notify" the cockpit and purser to "call." The Emergency Procedures Training group will associate notify only as one of five physical actions required to evacuate. The January revision to the Flight Attendant Operations Manual will reflect these changes.

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