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BP-3's For Your Opinion?

Source: Archived Content

Date: May 29, 2001

You're simply not going to believe this one:  United Airlines is actually sponsoring a contest in which all company employees who write letters to the United States government against the proposed 'Passenger Bill of Rights' bill will be entered into a special drawing for a pair of BP-3 passes.  The contest is organized/supported by the company's employee lobbying organization, the United Grassroots Network.

I had to reread today's NewsReal announcement several times to confirm that feeling of being hit in the stomach with a 2 X 4 plank.  The first word that came to mind: bribery.  But since actual cash money isn't being offered, bribery wouldn't apply.

I'm not going to bother going into the rest of the details of this particular contest.  You can read and/or join it yourself since this story is clipped to a bulletin board on your domicile wall.  Whether you are FOR or AGAINST this proposed Passenger Bill of Rights, it's a little scary for a company to use employee travel pass contests to get all their employees to push a specific opinion.  What's next?  A chance to win BP-1A's for a letter of support to the New Zealand government to promote cabin dissection spraying?

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