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I Miss You

Source: Commentary

Date: Sep 11, 2017

heart in cloudsToday is not about an infamous date circled on a calendar.

It's not about a sequential frame-by-frame look at our United Flight 175 crashing into the south tower of the World Trade Center.

It's not about all the winners and losers from NFL week 1.

It's not about the price of UN sanctions or more threatening messages from fat missile-launching cowards.

It's not about who would pay $1,000 for yet another iPhone.

It's not about a misguided and careless Equifax data hack.

It's not about being annoyed because cameras and laptops are getting searched by TSA.

In fact, it's not about long lines at airport security, body scanners, and patting down a toddler.

It's not about how the world will never be the same.

It's not about any of that.

The anniversary of September 11 is about Michael and Amy, Alicia, Robert, Wanda, Victor, Sandra, CeeCee, Jason, Lorraine, Deborah, Alfred, Michael, Amy, Leroy, Kathryn, and the hundreds of other people who were friends, lovers, crewmembers, heroes, and above all else, sweet and wonderful souls.

Reflect, remember, and love these people forever.

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