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Makeup Sick for Contractual Kin Care Implementation

Source: Media Article

Date: Oct 28, 2016

Source: Elines

Section 13.D.7. of the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) is currently in effect and Flight Attendants may use the provisions that are currently in their respective pre-merger Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) for making up sick leave to restore their sick leave bank. 

As a reminder when a Flight Attendant wishes to use this provision they must follow their current procedures for calling in sick, making sure they advised that the occurrence was for contractual Kin Care.  This action will cause this occurrence to be paid and treated as a sick call in terms of accountability.  Following that, a Flight Attendant can designate a trip or trips as make up sick leave using their existing pre-merger process, so that her/his non-occupational sick bank would have the hours restored that were used for the contractual Kin Care occurrence. 

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