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Fight Fatigue - Flight Attendants Need Equal Rest

Source: AFA

Date: May 29, 2015

Source: Elines

Federal Regulations permit that Flight Attendant minimum rest can be reduced down to eight (8) hours. For pre-merger United Flight Attendants, our Contract provides that our block-to-block minimum field layover cannot be reduced below 9:50 without our concurrence.  For more information regarding the Automatic Waiver of Report Time visit our website

As Flight Attendants we all know an eight-hour rest does not actually mean we receive 8 hours of rest.  Through AFA-CWA’s advocacy the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has commissioned multiple Flight Attendant Fatigue Studies.  It’s about time we stand together with all Flight Attendants to have the results of these studies put into action.

Through the FAA reauthorization bill we are calling on our Representatives to mandate a 10-hour minimum rest rule, which will mirror what the FAA has established for the Pilots.  Your Local Council Government Affairs Committee Members are talking to Representatives and Senators on Capitol Hill, they cannot fight this fight alone.  We need your help to bring the full force of the Union behind our collective goal of achieving a 10-hour minimum rest for all Flight Attendants. 

Please call your U.S. Representative today!

Find your Representative >

Sample Phone Message:

“Hello, my name is ___________ and I am calling from  ______(city/state).  I am calling to urge Representative ___________ to mandate a 10-hour minimum rest requirement for Flight Attendants.  Congress has commissioned fatigue studies for Flight Attendants and its time to put the findings into full force. Thank you.”

If you are a Twitter fan, please Tweet something like:
To members of Congress working to fight Flight Attendant Fatigue, AFA appreciates your support!! #FightAviationFatigue #AviationSafety

I support the fight against Flight Attendant Fatigue!!!  Minimum 10 hour Rest Requirements NOW!!!  #FightAviationFatigue #AviationSafety

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