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Negotiations Update

Source: AFA

Date: Mar 14, 2014

Source: www.ourunited.org

The JNC has completed another negotiations session in Chicago. 

The JNC arrived in Chicago on March 6th, three days before bargaining began to continue our committee work and prepare for this week’s sessions.  We did not meet with the Company on Monday or Tuesday.

We did meet with the Company late Wednesday afternoon when we presented our counter proposal on Leaves of Absence and Meetings & Trainings. 

Our next session with the Company was a brief meeting on Thursday when we presented our proposal on Sick Leave.  We reconvened before the end of the day when the Company gave us their counter proposals on Meetings & Trainings, Leaves of Absence and Sick Leave.

The Company restated its position that we should only present them with proposals that incorporate, what they believe to be, entire Contract sections.  The JNC does not necessarily agree that negotiations must be conducted in this format, however all the proposals that were presented to management this week, and last month in Seattle, were entire sections.

Our next bargaining session will be the week of April 7th in New Orleans.

The JNC anticipates the member polling we told you about in January will begin soon.  Polling will be done over the telephone.  Not every Flight Attendant will be receiving a call, but if you are randomly selected by the polling firm to participate, we’d like to thank you for your participation. 

Cindy Commander, CAL
Greg Davidowitch, UAL
Kathleen Domondon, CMI
Joey Guider, CAL
Suzanne Hendricks, CMI
Cynthia Iverson, CMI
Jack Kande, UAL
Kevin Lum, UAL
Marcus Valentino, CAL

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