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Two Bear, One Dog Day

Source: Commentary

Date: Jun 01, 2008

Just a lazy Sunday afternoon at my home on the first of June.  I hear a crash and think that my wife knocked over something or perhaps it was CLEANING DAY and the front closet was protesting with a loud release of clutter and other junk I pile in there.


I looked out the front window in Keira's room and saw two brown bears about 3 feet from the window.

bear in front of our house

They stood there just long enough for me to get this shot, and then they lumbered away (after I yelled 'Hey!' at them) and down the hill away from my property.

I surveyed the damage:

remains of shed after bear visit

Total causalities:

  • One shed
  • 4 trash bags
  • 2 trash cans (one was recoverable)
  • My nerves (that also recovered quickly)

Here's the irony...

Not less than 30 minutes later, my wife was on a walk around our neighborhood and WAS ATTACKED BY A NEIGHBOR'S DOG! 

Yep.  Just walking down the street and was bitten, hard enough to draw blood, on the hand as the black lab mutt aggressively went after her.

Moral of Story

The real danger around here is not a few hungry bears that were easily startled by a loud voice -- but rather idiot hillbillies that let their dogs roam free without a leash.

We've called the police and animal control (to quarantine the dog and check for rabies) and are now waiting for them to arrive.

The bears are long gone.

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