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Displays maintenance information for a specific UAL aircraft. You can view deferred and repaired items.


ACFT Enter the aircraft nose number.
TYPE Enter DEF to display only deferred items.
Enter ALL to display both deferred and repaired items.

You can also quickly type:  AMSDIS/ACFT/TYPE

Example: AMSDIS/4941/ALL

Example of an AMSDIS Screen

amsdis screen

This screen shows a listing of the most current items that have either been repaired or still need work done. To see earlier dates, move the cursor to the top line between the 7-digit number (in this case 4652002) and ACFT DATA DISPLAY and press ENTER. You will see the next screen of earlier dates. You can repeat this and move back further in time to see earlier items.

You will also notice that the text cuts off on the right side of the page. In order to read the complete text, you will need to use the AMSITM command in conjunction with the reference number on the left side of the screen. AMSITM shows the full write-up. For this tutorial, we'll use 4712001 which is the reference number for the message: DF0332 TAXI LIGHT INOP - LIGHTS


Displays displays expanded information for a specific maintenance item.


ACFT Enter the aircraft nose number.
REF NBR Enter the reference number for the item you want more detailed information on. See explanation above for where to locate the reference number

You can also quickly type: AMSITM/ACFT/REF NBR

Example: AMSITM/4941/4712001

Example of an AMSITM screen

amsitm screen

This is a more detailed view of item #4712001. Don't ask me what all these number and codes mean, as I have no friggin idea. Looks like it was 'relamped' so I guess they replaced the light bulb or something!

Special Note

You obviously won't use the AMSDIS and AMSITM commands that often, but I've found them to be a helpful tool to check and see if an item has been written up correctly and/or looked at. This could be useful for any items (like galley ovens) that we report but sometimes appear not to have been repaired.

Besides, it can make for interesting reading during a 3:59 layover in the ORD domicile!

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Page Updated: July 16, 2005
Printed from www.jumpseatnews.com. Have a nice day!
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