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Unimatic Sucks

Err AOL BusyUnimatic sucks.

We're almost into 2007 already. It shouldn't be so difficult, error-prone, and time-consuming to arrange a monthly schedule. Ironically, as we're moving more toward a D-TUSE, people seem to be having more trouble then ever.

A report from AFALAX.org today says that "A call placed to the United Support Desk at (800) 255-5801 revealed that a server was down for several hours in the afternoon (11/28)."

Guess what? The problem at this point is not Unimatic. Nope. Unimatic is a lost cause. Rather, the problem is no communication. A simple email from United saying "Server Down--Up in 2 Hours" could have been sent to support@jumpseatnews and posted on this dumb page in less than 10 minutes---or perhaps sent out to thousands of F/As in newsletters and email lists and posted on discussion boards or whatever.

Maybe an email was sent. I'm backed up this entire month and need to declare email bankruptcy soon so I can get out and just wander.

spackleFor the next few days, I'm going on TIL (Temporary Insanity Leave) from troubleshooting daily Unimatic/SkyNet woes.

With all my free time, I'll finally go out and buy some Plaster Wall Patch to repair the holes in my walls from banging my head against them with each Uni-ERR BUSY lockout.

So, enjoy! And I hope you find the resources below helpful.


Bidding Timetable

Bid Opens 10th of Month Bid Opens 12th of Month
Bid Closes 17th of Month at 0800 Local Domicile Time Bid Closes 18th of Month at 0800 Local Domicile Time
Bid Award 20th of Month at 0800 Local Domicile Time Bid Award NO CHANGE
*Scheduling processes including Relief, Training, EOM and Make-Yourself-Legal dates are not affected by these changes.

Help and Support

man in dark with candle
  • Flying Together Technical Support:
  • 3rd Party Software Technical Support: If you are using a 3rd party software program to connect to Unimatic/Apollo you must contact the vendor directly.

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Printed from www.jumpseatnews.com. Have a nice day!