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Commuter Policy – Review Listing Requirements

Source: AFA

Date: Jul 06, 2019

Source:  Elines

During this past week, Flight Attendants have reported issues when trying to utilize the commuter policy, due to scheduling stating “improper listing procedures concerning available seating.”

The language provided in section 28 of our JCBA, the commuter policy, provides a Flight Attendant commuting by air leeway when their commute is affected by situations identified in the policy, such as delays caused by unforeseen weather or mechanical issues. Another provision of the policy defines the listing parameters and the steps a Flight Attendant must adhere to in order to utilize the contractual benefits of the policy. 

As stated in Section 28.B.4, a Flight Attendant must exercise good judgment and exert every reasonable effort to report for work, including having the legitimate reasonable potential to commute on either of at least two flights listed twenty-four (24) hours prior to the first flight’s departure through the Company’s employee reservations systems. The inventory for these seats must be controlled by the Company and, at the time of listing, both flights must be under authorization levels as displayed in the Employee Reservation System.  This must include accounting for non-revenue space available (NRSA) travelers that have listed and have either a higher boarding priority or greater seniority than the commuting Flight Attendant. Finally, these two flights must be scheduled to arrive at the Flight Attendant’s domicile or the point where her/his duty assignment is scheduled to begin at least one (1) hour prior to report time. 


Flight Attendants are cautioned that listing must occur through the company’s reservation system.  Use of other apps when listing or checking for seat availability may be inaccurate.   


Questions can be directed to your Local Council representatives.

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