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Taxi Reimbursement Clarification

Source: AFA

Date: Jun 25, 2019

Source: Elines


Section 5.D.2. of our JCBA outlines the time period where contractual cab reimbursement may be claimed up to $10.00. Flight Attendants may utilize the services of a cab or limousine between airport or co-terminals and their place of lodging during periods that public transportation may be limited.


A Flight Attendant can utilize this provision whenever the departure time of a flight assignment is between 10:00p.m. and 8:00a.m. or when arrival time of the flight is between 8:00p.m. and 6:00am. The reimbursement amount is up to ($10.00). This reimbursement also applies to Reserve Flight Attendants who report for standby or who is released from standby between 10:00p.m. and 6:00a.m. (Section 5.D.2.d.)


In addition, the language of Section 5.D.3 of our JCBA provides the parameters of when a Reserve Flight Attendantis required to respond to a call of less than three (3:00) hours before report time. In this instance a Reserve Flight Attendant shall be reimbursed for actual expenses for cab transportation when the Reserve Flight Attendant determines such transportation is necessary to respond to a call of less than three (3) hours before report. Inflight Scheduling may authorize reimbursement on an actual basis for the Flight Attendant return trip, if the Flight Attendant was unable to utilize her/his own personal transportation in order to make the less than three (3) hour call out.

Note: It is always a good idea to keep copies of your trip pairing and receipts in case the company requests proof of travel. To submit for reimbursement, go to Flying Together> Employee Services> HR Tools and Resources > Concur or by visiting  concur.ual.com


For additional details concerning the Implementation of Cab Reimbursement review the June 8, 2018 publication of E-lines or contact your Local Union Representative.

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