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Duty Time Domestic, International and Mixed Pairings

Source: AFA

Date: Apr 26, 2019

Source: Elines

While we have combined bases, we also have separate duty time maximums for domestic, international and mixed pairings.  Duty Time is contractually negotiated and the various maximums are set forth in Section 6.S. of our JCBA. Because our Contract establishes that a Flight Attendant shall not be scheduled to be on duty in excess of the limitations set forth in the Contract, it is important for each of us to be familiar with how these duty time calculations are made.

Domestic Maximum Duty Time - JCBA 6.S.1

Duty Period Starting:









High Value Trip**



The above duty time provisions are based on the Flight Attendant’s Home Domicile time.

*Limited to no more than seven hours (7:00) flight time, [unless the duty period contains a single segment, in which case that single segment may excess seven (7) hours of flight time;] ground time, no greater than two hours and thirty minutes (2:30) and no more than one flight segment after red-eye flight. A red-eye flight is one with any portion scheduled to operate from 0200 to 0400, local time.

** A High Value Trip (HVT) shall be limited to a single duty period [starting between 0500 – 1859] containing no more than (3) flight segments with a total flight time of nine hours (9:00) or more.

International Maximum Duty Time - JCBA 6.T.1

Flight Time including DH

Maximum Scheduled on Duty

Max Actual On Duty

Multi/Non-Stop up to 8:00



Multi/Non-Stop 8:01-12:00



Non-Stop 12:01 or over

Check in + Flight Time + Customs + Debrief

Check in + Flight Time + Customs + Debrief + 3:30

Duty Time - Mixed Pairings – JCBA 6.U

The Company may build Mixed Pairings that contain both domestic and international flight in accordance with Section 7.Y.1.

When a duty period in a mixed pairing contains only a domestic flight, the duty period shall be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.S. and rest shall be provided in accordance with Section 6.V.

When a duty period in a mixed pairing contains only international flights, the duty period shall be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.T. and the rest following that duty period shall be provided in accordance with Section 6.W.

When a duty period in a Mixed Pairing contains both domestic and international flights, that duty period shall be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.T. (International Maximum Duty Time, (see chart above). Example, a crew is deadheaded from ORD to EWR to work an EWR to LHR pairing. Although the crew has one domestic leg within their pairing, the duty day will be scheduled in compliance with the Maximum International Duty Time.

For more information about Maximum Duty times or Mixed Pairing duty time maximums, contact your Local Council.

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