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Reserves Assigned during Preferencing Window are Released to Check-in!

Source: AFA

Date: Feb 06, 2019

Source: Elines

The Reserve Preferencing and clean-up process occurs each evening between 1700 and 1930 HDT for pairings with check-ins on the following day. Section 8.D.11. of our JCBA provides that Reserves assigned as part of this process shall be released to check-in and shall not be subject to displacement from the pairing by a Lineholder.


Said another way, a Reserve who has received their next-day assignment during the Reserve Preferencing and clean-up process is not required to remain telephone available once they have fulfilled their current-day Reserve obligation, if any.


In addition, JCBA Section 8.E.2. provides that Reserves assigned outside of the Reserve Preferencing process (i.e., Ready Reserves) shall be automatically released to check-in at fifteen (15) hours prior to check-in and shall not be subject to displacement by a Lineholder and they are, therefore, no longer required to be telephone available.

Additional information concerning telephone availability requirements while on Reserve Status can be found in the JCBA Reserve guide available on our website.


If you have additional questions, please contact your Local Council.

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