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Scheduling Backstage 2019 Engagement Events

Source: AFA

Date: Jan 11, 2019

Source- Elines

Management recently communicated in the January 9, 2019 Inflight Services Weekly that there will be three event dates to choose from in February for those who were awarded the February Preference Month.

Backstage 2019 event pairings/ dates will be included on the February bid packet cover page.

Lineholders pick up the event pairing on days off starting with real-time trading on January 23rd. Lineholders are expected to attend the event on days off as with any training. If all of the event pairings for your “must go” or preference month are only available on days you have flight assignments or during your legal rest following the flight assignment or require you to waive your legal rest following training, call FAST to drop a pairing (based on your originally awarded line of flying) and have the event pairing placed on your schedule.

It is important to understand that pairings dropped will be based strictly on your originally awarded line of flying.  If you elect to pick up pairings over the days the events are offered and you could otherwise have been scheduled to attend the event without dropping a pairing, you will not be scheduled for training in your must go month and will be expected to attend in a subsequent month. 

It is best if you contact FAST before you begin any trading or modifications to your schedule to ensure you are properly scheduled especially if you believe a pairing must be dropped to attend training.

Keep in mind, our JCBA in Section 11 provides the company with the ability to reassign you when trips are dropped.  You have the ability to elect pay protection or not.

Reserves call FAST starting on January 23rd to place an event pairing on reserve days ON.

Flight Attendants who do not pick up an event pairing by the January 27th for the February Preference Month will be assigned an event pairing.

Q: What if the event pairings are not available on my originally awarded days off or require me to waive my legal rest to attend or my legal rest following training?

A: Call FAST to have your trip dropped and an event pairing placed on your schedule.

JCBA Section 11.B.4. addresses the choice Flight Attendants may elect in order to be pay protected for the trip dropped or not.


4. Flight Attendants who are required to drop trips to attend

required training or meetings because the training/meeting

was not offered on their originally awarded line days off, shall

be allowed to elect either to be released from duty with no

protection (i.e., her/his pay guarantee shall be reduced

accordingly) for non-training/meeting days where trips were

dropped, or to be protected in accordance with the provisions

of Section 7.Q. A Lineholder who has elected such protection

shall receive full pay and credit for the trip(s) missed, or for the

training/meeting plus any credit from reassigned trips,

whichever is greater.

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