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Reserve Move-up Lines

Source: AFA

Date: Sep 25, 2018

Source: Elines

MEC Reserve Committee

All Reserves are placed on the Move-Up List each month, unless they choose to remove their name from the list. Reserve Move-Up Lines are lines constructed using pairings from any unassigned open time that remains on the first day of the new bid month. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If all of the protected days specified by the Reserve cannot be accommodated, the Reserve will remain on the Move-Up List in seniority order until all of the protected day(s) can be honored. A Reserve who indicates no protected day(s) off, or whose protected day(s) have been satisfied, must accept the awarded Move-Up Line.

Adding Name to Move-Up List 

If a Flight Attendant changed the Move-Up election to “No” during the bidding process, she/he may add her/his name to the Move-Up List by contacting Crew Scheduling anytime following the awarding of bids until 2359 HDT on the last day of the active bid month. However, when added to the Move-Up List after bid period window closes, the Reserve will be placed at the bottom of the existing list. 

Removing Name from Move-Up List 

A Reserve can voluntarily remove themselves from the Move-Up List in the following ways: 

A Reserve can indicate that she/he does not want to be awarded a Move-Up Line by checking the appropriate box on the Primary Line Bidding screen in CCS. 

A Reserve can also remove her/his name from the Move-Up List by contacting Crew Scheduling anytime following the awarding of bids until 2359 HDT on the last day of the active bid month. 

The Company may begin building Reserve Move-Up Lines on the first day of the new bid month from pairings in open time and to the extent they can maintain adequate Reserve coverage. Move-Up Lines will be constructed taking into account the type of line you indicated during the primary bid period, as well as any protected days. The Company will build Reserve Move-Up Lines from the 1st through 5th day of the bid month (not the calendar month), to the extent adequate Reserve coverage can be maintained. Move-up lines will be constructed with either all domestic or all international pairings. 


Move-Up Line Awards 

  • Move-Up Lines are awarded to Reserves in seniority order of those on the Move-Up List. 
  • Move-Up Lines can be built up to the Flight Attendant’s monthly maximum flight hours. 
  • If more than one Move-Up Line is available, the Reserve may be offered a choice of lines. 
  • If a Reserve is on an assignment (pairing or Airport Standby) at the time they are awarded a Move-Up Line, they will be released to their Move-Up Line once the assignment has been completed. If a Reserve is not on an assignment at the time they are awarded a Move-Up Line, they will be released to their Move-Up Line with the approval of Crew Scheduling. 

Reserve Move-Up Line Guarantee (Section 8.B.5.) 

A Reserve who is moved into a Line of Flying before any scheduled Reserve availability days will be guaranteed: 

  • A minimum of 71 hours, or 
  • The total credit time of the pairings in their line, whichever is greater. 

A Reserve who is moved into a Line of Flying and who has stood at least one day of Reserve in the schedule month will be guaranteed: 

  •  A minimum of 71 hours, or 
  • The total credit time of the pairings in their Move-Up Line plus any Reserve availability days and/or the value of any trips flown as a Reserve, whichever is greater. 

Additional information on the Move-up process can be found in the Reserve Guide located on our website. 

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