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pm-CAL Clarification of Reserve Flight Attendant Displacement (Bumping)

Source: AFA

Date: May 02, 2018

Source: Elines

We understand there has been a great deal of discussion lately regarding the circumstances under which a Reserve may be displaced (or “bumped”) from her/his assigned trip by a Lineholder in the pm-CAL operation. We’ve been made aware that some of the information being distributed is inaccurate and is causing additional confusion. It’s important to recognize that several sections of the contract govern Reserve displacement and it is critical that you have an understanding of all these sections in order to fully understand this provision.

The possibility of displacement depends primarily on when and how the trip was awarded or assigned to the Reserve. In all cases, a Reserve may only be displaced up to 12 hours prior to check-in of the trip.  The following is a synopsis of how these factors affect displacement:

How Trip Is Awarded

Type of Trip

Possible Bump by

Reserve Pick-Up

Golden Pairing

Cannot be bumped

Reserve Pick-Up

Non-Golden Pairing

Seniorin-baseLineholder(up to 12 hours prior to Check-In)

Pairings Assigned by

Crew Scheduling

Golden / Non-Golden Pairing

Senior Lineholder,regardless of base

(up to 12 hours prior to Check-In)


Trips Awarded During the Reserve Pick-Up Window (Sections 5.I.10.a. and b.)

  • If a Reserve picks-up a trip during the Reserve Pick-Up window that departs at or before 1100 local time on the following day, it is considered a "Golden Trip" in that Lineholders cannot displace (or “bump”) the Reserve. Therefore, when picking up a trip in this manner, the Reserve will be released to check-in (Section 5.I.10.a.(2).
  • If a Reserve picks-up a trip during the Reserve Pick-Up window that departs anytime after 1100 local time on the following day, it is considered a “Non-Golden Trip” in that a senior in-base Lineholder maysubsequently displace (or “bump”) the Reserve up to 12 hours prior to check-in.

NOTE: If a Reserve is subsequently "bumped" prior to the 1800 CT assignment window, she or he will be allowed to pick-up another assignment that satisfies the parameters in Section 5.I.4.

Trips Assigned by Crew Scheduling

  • Any pairings that are assigned by Crew Scheduling (i.e., not picked-up during the Reserve Pick-Up window) are subject to displacement by a senior Lineholder, either in-base or out-of-base, up to 12 hours prior to check-in.

Other important points to remember about Reserve Displacement:

  • Reserve FLS’s may only be displaced by senior FLS Lineholders having the same primary language qualification.
  • Reserve ISM’s may only be displaced by senior ISM Lineholders.
  • If you have reported to the airport and are notified upon arrival that you have been displaced, you can be reassigned. However, if you are not reassigned you will receive two hours of pay (2:00) and credit (“Show-No-Go Pay,” Section 5.I.23.)A Reserve's duty period will commence at the time the Reserve was scheduled to report to the airport, or the time that they actually report.

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