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Language Qualified Flight Attendant Trades and Pick-up Clarification

Source: Media Article

Date: Dec 21, 2018

Source: Elines

We have received a number of questions from Language Qualified (LQ) Flight Attendants who are assigned language lines as to when they may pick up and trade for open language qualified and non-language qualified open time subject to the terms of Sections 7.I, 7.J. and 7.L. of the JCBA. 

A language qualified Flight Attendant will be expected to have a minimum fifty (50) hours of flying (twenty (20) for job shares, partnerships and half month leaves) in their assigned language, at their assigned base, at the end of the bid month if they have traded or picked up from open time other than LQ open time during the month. 

Language qualified Flight Attendants may trade for or pick up any open trip per the rules outlined in the JCBA. 

Between 16:00 and 14:00 hours before departure language qualified Flight Attendants in a language sub-base may pick up from open time in the language sub-base in all designated languages for which they are qualified. 

Less than 14:00 hours before departure, language qualified Flight Attendants can pick up open time in any base regardless of qualifications. 

Less than 14:00 hours before departure language qualified Flight Attendants can pick up advertised trips in any base as long as they have whatever qualifications may be needed. 

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