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CBD Oil Clarification

Source: AFA

Date: Dec 12, 2018

Source: Elines

Last week’s communication advising Flight Attendants of the hazards of using CBD oils has apparently been misconstrued by some as an “endorsement” of these products. There should be no confusion; AFA does not support the use of CBD oils and the intent of our communication was to warn Flight Attendants that the use of CBD oils is highly likely to be hazardous to your continued employment.

As a Flight Attendant working in a safety sensitive position, if you test positive for marijuana (THC), regardless of whether the positive test result is from the use of

1.    state approved medical marijuana 

2.    or recreational marijuana, and

3.    regardless of whether you knowingly smoked a joint or

4.    unknowingly ate a marijuana edible, or

5.    used CBD oils,

you will be deemed a test violator. The source of the THC, even if the product is purchased legally, will not change the test result from a positive to negative. 

The production of CBD oil is unregulated.  Any claims by those selling the product that you will not test positive are not scientifically founded and should be viewed very skeptically. There are no studies that have scientifically demonstrated the number of times you can use a low THC concentration CBD product before you might test positive. Different people metabolize items taken into the body differently.  

The bottom line, as many terminated Flight Attendants and other safety sensitive employees will tell you; the use of CBD is highly likely to be hazardous to your continued employment.

Flight Attendants needing additional information or who have questions about the use of CBD oils are encouraged to contact our AFA EAP/FADAP representatives at www.afacwa.org or by calling 800-424-2406. 

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