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Vacation Open Time Trades Begin December 5

Source: AFA

Date: Dec 04, 2017

Source: Elines

On December 5, 2017, instant vacation trades open at 8:00 AM Local Domicile Time (LDT), and will remain open throughout the balance of the 2018 schedule year. In order to trade, submit a vacation trade with open time request. The trade request must be submitted thirty (30) days before the earliest calendar month involved in the trade.

Example: A Flight Attendant has been awarded vacation time from October 7 to October 13. She/he decides to pursue a trade for available open time days, August 12 to August 18.  In order to be considered, this trade for vacation days must be submitted thirty (30) days before the earliest of the calendar months involved in the trade.

Additional information concerning the Vacation Instant Trade with Open Time option, including a step-by-step guide on how to submit a trade on CCS is available in the 2018 Vacation Modification Guide.

Helpful Hints:

Flight Attendants wishing to trade with open time not currently available should continue to check the allocation matrix because the following circumstances can affect available vacation days.

  • Any vacation days awarded, that are vacated at a later date (eg. separation from company, retirement, etc.)  will be added to the allocations. 
  • If a Flight Attendant trades down to fewer vacation days with another Flight Attendant or for open vacation days, any surplus of unused days will be added to the allocations for use by another Flight Attendant.

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