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Sell Jumpseatnews for 1500?

Source: Commentary

Date: Dec 11, 2004

I received the following email a couple of days ago:

Are you willing to sell jumpseatnews.com to me.
I am starting a new business and thought this would be a good name.
I'm making an offer of 1500 USD. please let me know.
Thanks for your time.

Best Regards,
Fanhouse Solutions, Inc

I've never heard of 'Fanhouse Solutions, Inc.' But judging by the writing style of their message, I'm not going to be letting them know anything. Delete. Next dumb message.

$1,500.00 for http://www.jumpseatnews.com/? I would have maybe written back if the author had:

  1. Put a couple of extra zeros in the number.  This site is worth a lot more (at least to me) than 1500.
  2. Put a question mark at the end of the first sentence.

The internet is a strange place indeed! And Jumpseatnews stays right where it is, thanks.

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