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Benjamin Franklin Hotel No Longer Used

Source: Archived Content

Date: Aug 04, 2003

EFFECTIVE IMEDIATELY, THE BEN FRANKLIN WILL NO LONGER BE USED FOR FLIGHT ATTENDANT LAYOVERS.  Beginning August 1st, scheduled layovers between 13:00 and 19:59 are now being placed at the Doubletree Airport. ACS will provide transportation for the month of August, after which transportation will be done by the Doubletree. Beginning September, the hotel will provide airport transportation every 15 minutes.  IBS’s are being remarked accordingly.   Layovers under 13:00 remain at the Airport Westin.  Layovers 20 hours or more will remain at the Cathedral Hill.

The Ben Franklin was an interesting place; depending on your point of view.  For some, it was a true annoyance, lacking the usual hotel amenities such as voicemail or a gym.  Or a television that can receive more than eight channels.

For others, it was a home away from home; particularly for those international crews based in congested, noisy European cities.  The hotel had a bit of Old World charm to it that seem lacking in your typical flight attendant layover hotel.

Oh well, some things must end.  I belonged to the second group.

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