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Mountain Dew To Be Served

Source: Archived Content

Date: Jun 23, 2003

Beginning July 1, Mountain Dew will be served on mainline domestic and Hawaii flights.

Mountain Dew is a strange drink. First of all, it's loaded with enough caffeine jolt to keep long-haired skateboarding teenagers wired for hours on the ski slopes. About 55 mg of caffeine per 12 oz compared to Pepsi which has 37.2. That should make it really fun for dealing with passengers when working the all-nighters.

Second, is Mountain Dew really that popular of a drink? I mean, there's only so much space in the bar carts. Do we really need yet another choice?

Lastly, have you ever looked at Mountain Dew? It has this bizarre radioactive-looking green glow color. The kind that would be perfect in helping Sam wash down those Green Eggs and Ham:Sam With Dew


I will drink it on a plane!
I will drink it on a train!
Would I, could I, Sam-I-Am!

'Dew' is the kind of drink that you either love or hate, or have never tried.

This is all obviously part of the Pepsi-served-onboard deal that United has with PepsiCo, Inc. Pepsi makes Mountain Dew. It isn't too hard to connect the dots there.

United will be holding promotional events in the domiciles this week.

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