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A Long Time to Dry

Source: Archived Content

Date: Apr 19, 2003

It seems like eons ago since Greenwald put up posters demonstrating how UAL was going to be 'Rising' above the industry.  Yeah right.  We sure headed in a different direction.  Thanks for taking such good care of us.

Many of the fun things I used to write about have disappeared from these pages lately.  I mean, remember when our biggest concern here was making fun of that half-baked cell phone policy a few years ago?  Another era completely.

I have been reading and responding to each of the many letters that have been emailed to the website from flight attendants (and even some Pilots) around the world.  People are worried.  People are stressed.  People are not happy.

Throughout all the 911 aftermath, the management problems, the furloughs, the uncertainty from paycheck to paycheck, the longer FLTLINE holds, the SARS anxieties, the Rule of Five desperation, the bankruptcy we didn't create, and the latest May schedule nonsense, flight attendants have soaked up all this mess like a big, tough sponge.  Well the sponge is now full, and it's going to take a long time to dry.

"So why not just quit if you don't like it?"

It is so annoying when people say dumb things like that; it's so ignorant and just not getting it.  Some things are hard to quit: like family.  United is family to many of us, and the thought of leaving is hard to bear.  You quit.

We'll get through this--one way or another.  We are an intelligent, diverse, and tough group of people.  I wouldn't work as hard as I do on this site if I didn't believe that.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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