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No Big Deal

Source: Archived Content

Date: Jan 29, 2003

What the heck has been going on lately?  First, more box cutters are brought onboard our planes, then another a--hole lights his seat on fire.

Most troublesome about these events is not the fact they occurred, but the manner in which they are shrugged off by the media.

Remember that firecracker lighting incident in Hong Kong back last May?  The Hong Kong Airport spokesperson had issued a not-a-real-problem statement in response to firecrackers being discovered onboard United flight #895:

"It's not seen as a high-level threat, it's just conventional firecrackers and there were no signs that they were to be used to sabotage the plane."

And now, someone lights a seat on fire and the only quote in the AP story was: ''It appears to be an isolated incident.''  Oh, and that the man was 'difficult'.

Isolated incidents here and there add up.  They add to our already full plate of stress and worry about our own personal safety.

Firecrackers?  No big deal.  Seat Fire?  No big deal.  Box cutters?  No big deal.

Big deal to me.

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