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Avolar Hires 'Cabin Crews'

Source: Archived Content

Date: Dec 17, 2001

Check out this quote from today's employee NewsReal:

In connection with its move, and the hiring and training of several hundred employees, including cabin crews, Avolar will become entitled to substantial economic assistance arranged by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.

The title of this article is "Avolar Opens for Business, Announces Aircraft Plans".

Several questions come to mind:

Why did United specifically state the words, "including cabin crews" in their discussion of the hiring and training of several hundred employees?  Why not also mechanics, CSR's, reservations people, administrative support, etc...?

By stating 'cabin crews', do they mean the pilots or possible flight attendants or both?  In most everywhere else in the world, 'cabin crew' specifically means flight attendant.  Do they mean that here?  Or are they just adding a little 'were moving forward with this regardless' language for the public and other employees in reaction to the legal notice sent to United on October 18, 2001.

Or, perhaps, in keeping with their new slick image, they mean to actually change our job title from 'Attendant' to 'Crew'?

Questions to ponder for today!

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