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SQOTD: Silly Quote of the Day

Source: Archived Content

Date: May 24, 2002

[Drum roll please]

Goes to........The Hong Kong Airport spokesperson who issued the following statement in response to firecrackers being discovered onboard United flight #895:

"It's not seen as a high-level threat, it's just conventional firecrackers and there were no signs that they were to be used to sabotage the plane."

Um, well okay, since firecrackers (being explosive devices) have been banned from United aircraft for years, then the question of the day is how did firecrackers get past an airport security checkpoint?  Aren't they supposed to be preventing things like that?  You know, like making sure passengers don't bring things that can cause fires onboard our planes?

What the hell were they doing in the lavatory in the first place, the only truly private passenger area onboard the 747 aircraft?

Perhaps they were to small to have caused a major TV fireball explosion juicy enough for the CNN headlines, but what about starting a nice little cabin fire at 35,000 feet over water?

Oh well...

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