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JSN Closed Down For 30 Hours

Source: Archived Content

Date: May 30, 2002

It's a headline to me...that's for sure!

There had been a serious technical screw-up on the part of the company that hosts this website which left Jumpseatnews closed for over 30 hours.  Contrary to popular rumors, United Airlines didn't shut us down.  Nor did we get bought out---what, are you kidding?  Nor did a computer virus do us in (that made good rumor though).  Rather, it was 100% pure incompetence on the part of the company that hosts this website.

They were chosen almost two years ago because they were the CHEAPEST at the time.  Unfortunately, you sometimes do get what you pay for...  Lesson learned.

There are three things that still need to be done:

  1. Finalize our move to another hosting company with better and more reliable equipment and customer support.  This will take about 5 days.
  2. Cancel our account with our current hosting company.  Wait until you see the letter I'll be sending to them.  I can't wait.
  3. Fine tune our new security system.  Based on the initial feedback from the JSN member surveys, most of you thought I ought to be spending less time on the password/security maintenance.   No problem--I agree.  In a few weeks we implement a new security system that is miles above the one we currently have.  Of course, you'll be explained everything down to the last detail (if you're interested).

Regardless, all of these changes will not affect your membership nor your use of the site.  More details and a full explanation of what happened to come in the next few days.  I'm too friggin exhausted to get into it right now.

Anyway, welcome back and I'm truly sorry that JSN was in the Twilight Zone for the past 30 hours.

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