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A True Measure of Time

Source: Archived Content

Date: May 02, 2002

Is not watching the sands through the hourglass...  Nor is it the ticking of my cheap Swatch...  Nor even the smudges and stains inside the galley ovens...

It's the following quote from today's NewsReal article titled "United to Share Safety/Security Info with Frequent Fliers":

"Senior Vice President-Flight Operations Captain Steve Forte, Vice President-Flight and System Chief Pilot Captain Rick Maloney and other management pilots will conduct information sessions for customers at United's Red Carpet Clubs in Denver and at Chicago O'Hare."

And this one too, from the same article...

"United's pilots will highlight the company's achievements in a number of areas..."

The article goes on to list the company's recent security achievements.  What do you think the odds would have been, just a few short years ago (summer of 2000), of this particular pilot-hosted event happening at the O'Hare airport terminal Red Carpet Club?

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